Attracting each client to the business costs a certain amount of money. You invest in marketing, advertising, promotion - and that's it! The client has already entered your salon. You provide a certain service, he likes everything... but doesn’t return anymore. What’s wrong?
To attract customers, you need something unique, for example, a profitable loyalty program. With the right scheme, it can be beneficial for both clients and businesses.
In simple terms, a loyalty program is a way to motivate your customers with three main tasks:
- customer retention;
- increase in sales;
- customer acquisition.
The discount system has existed on the market for more than a century. In fact, it hasn’t lost its relevance even now. Multi-level discounts are a great idea as well.
No matter what anyone says, not all clients are the same. Someone pays more, someone less, someone visits your salon twice a month, and someone barely comes once every 6 months. That’s why it’s important to show to your loyal customers that you’re really grateful for their loyalty. This can be done, for example, by rewarding them with a larger discount than other customers.
Often, beauty salons adhere to one rule - the discount applies exclusively to services, so it doesn’t apply to products sold in the salon. We recommend making the discount the same for both services and goods. In this case, you can include the discount in their price. Thus, you won’t lose part of the profit, and no restrictions will put pressure on the client, which will simplify the conditions of your bonus program.