
Winter hair care for blondes: do or don't?

العناية بالشعر في فصل الشتاء للشقراوات:أفعل أم لا؟

Blond hair is very beautiful and always looks attractive, especially when it is healthy and shiny. However, how can you give blond hair health and shine in the cold winter?...

العناية بالشعر في فصل الشتاء للشقراوات:أفعل أم لا؟

Blond hair is very beautiful and always looks attractive, especially when it is healthy and shiny. However, how can you give blond hair health and shine in the cold winter?...

Myths About Hair Growth & Loss

أساطير حول نمو الشعر وفقدانه

Every woman wants to have thick, voluminous and healthy hair. However, nowadays there are so many myths about hair growth and hair loss. Should we believe them? What’s the truth...

أساطير حول نمو الشعر وفقدانه

Every woman wants to have thick, voluminous and healthy hair. However, nowadays there are so many myths about hair growth and hair loss. Should we believe them? What’s the truth...

How to help your hair after the holidays with Brasil Cacau?

كيف تساعدين شعرك بعد العطلة مع Brasil Cacau؟

Holiday time! What can be better? Perhaps you will go to a mountain ski resort or to the seaside. It doesn’t matter what destination you choose. We recommend you think...

كيف تساعدين شعرك بعد العطلة مع Brasil Cacau؟

Holiday time! What can be better? Perhaps you will go to a mountain ski resort or to the seaside. It doesn’t matter what destination you choose. We recommend you think...

Stock up on the future! How much Brasil Cacao is needed to make 100 uses?

تخزين في المستقبل! ما هي كمية الكاكاو البرازيلي...

Brasil Cacau is the core product line of Cadiveu's professional series. The three-component complex includes the anti - residue shampoo, the thermal reconstructor, as well as the final deep conditioning...

تخزين في المستقبل! ما هي كمية الكاكاو البرازيلي...

Brasil Cacau is the core product line of Cadiveu's professional series. The three-component complex includes the anti - residue shampoo, the thermal reconstructor, as well as the final deep conditioning...

3 reasons why you should be trusted with your hair!

3 أسباب تجعلك تثق بشعرك!

What can your hair say and why should it be trusted? Sometimes it’s enough to properly choose your shampoo, balm, and mask according to your hair type. However, sometimes you...

3 أسباب تجعلك تثق بشعرك!

What can your hair say and why should it be trusted? Sometimes it’s enough to properly choose your shampoo, balm, and mask according to your hair type. However, sometimes you...

How to attract customers to the salon through the atmosphere in the salon?

كيف تجذب العملاء إلى الصالون من خلال الأجواء في...

Each beauty salon has its own unique atmosphere, which sets the emotions and psychological mood of clients. Because of the atmosphere your customers can feel comfort and pleasant sensations. Having...

كيف تجذب العملاء إلى الصالون من خلال الأجواء في...

Each beauty salon has its own unique atmosphere, which sets the emotions and psychological mood of clients. Because of the atmosphere your customers can feel comfort and pleasant sensations. Having...