Economical salon advertising

What salon owner doesn’t want new clients to literally rush into his beauty salon? Of course, advertising can be called the main assistant in promoting your beauty salon. However, not all salon owners have enough money just to pay the influencers for some promotional videos or posts, for example. What are the economical ways of salon advertising? Check them out in this article! 1. Word of mouth is a great source of attracting new salon customers. Despite all modern promotions means, word of mouth still works well. Word of mouth technology consists of 3 steps:     1. Exceed customer expectations;     2. Ask for recommendations;     3. Thank the client for the recommendation. 2. TikTok. If you still believe that TikTok is the app that only teenagers use, then you’re completely wrong! At the moment, TikTok is one of the most powerful ways of salon promotion successfully used by thousands of beauty salons all over the world. Find out how you can use this service for your salon right now! 3. Instagram. The content of the beauty salon’s Instagram account is based on the demonstration of the stylist’s works: haircuts, hairstyles, manicure, pedicure, etc. You have to show the process and result, stylists and clients, the atmosphere of the salon (or a cabinet) and the products used in order to make your potential client WANT to try your services!
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