How can you tell customers about the new service?

Nowadays new products and services appear almost every week or month. The clients’ attitude to them is pretty controversial: some of them are eager to try the new stuff ASAP, but others treat everything new with distrust. So, how can you tell your customers about your new service so that they become interested? Check out the best tips in this article!
1. Make a promo. Let the people know that you have a brand new procedure, spark their interest!
2. Make several posts about the new service at your accounts in social networks. The Internet works wonders with people’s awareness (thanks to reposts).
3. Provide a little discount for a new procedure for each client.
4. Ask your stylists to offer a new service to each client, mentioning its benefits. Be careful: don’t be too pushy and annoying.
5. Use e-mailing and SMS in order to let your customers know about the new service in your salon.
6. Place the advertisement for your service on billboards or in local magazines. This option is expensive but it will allow you to aware of a great number of people.
7. Order a promotion of your new service from a local blogger or an influencer. It will allow you to attract new clients to your salon.
8. Share the amazing results of the procedure via social networks. For example, if your new service is a Brasil Cacau keratin straightening, share a picture or a video of beautiful, shiny, and smooth hair after the treatment.
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