3 Healthy Summer Hair Tips From a Salon Owner

Chelle Neff, founder of Urban Betty hair salon in Austin, Texas shared us her secrets of beautiful hair. She says that we have to some certain things in order to reduce the potentially damaging effects of  UV rays, salt water and very high chlorine levels in swimming pools. Dry hair, split ends, even sunburned scalp! Chelle sees all these things during summer time. Chlorine-damaged greenish tresses are a usual thing as well. In order to avoid these horrible situations this summer, follow her 10 tips given below

1. Wash your hair every four to five days. Remember: shampoo dries out the scalp’s natural oils, making your hair extremely dry. If you have very oily hair and can’t do it this rare, Neff recommends you to wash your hair every two days. Use a hair powder or dry shampoo just to keep your hair fresh.

2. Install a shower filter.

One more important point. Our hair suffers from chlorine and minerals that wash off the hair protein. Neff says that replacing your shower head with a shower filter will help keep your hair healthy.

3. Don’t expose your scalp from the sun.

Neff says she has a special talent. She can literally tell where a client parts her hair by the visible tan line on her scalp. If you don’t worry about your skin condition, remember the skin cancer that can pop up anywhere, so protect your head from the intense rays on sunny days or use sunscreen.

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