How to help the client's hair recover after the holidays?

Holidays are coming to an end, and you start realizing that the time spent in the sun, sea, and sand has not passed without any negative consequences for your hair. After weeks of sunbathing and swimming, during which your hair was subjected to constant external aggressive factors, your hair has probably faded and become less healthy-looking. How can you return your hair its natural shine and beauty? Find all the answers in our article.

In order to fix the situation, start using nourishing hair masks and balms right after you come back home. These remedies will help you restore voids between the hair cuticles. Use the mask or the balm after each time after using the shampoo so that the effect of it is lasting.

However, one hair mask or balm will not be enough if your hair is severely damaged. You will need a more comprehensive approach in order to eliminate all the negative consequences. We offer you Brasil Cacau, which is the ultimate solution.

Brasil Cacau is a professional line of products for hair straightening and restoration. The Brazilian straightening procedure is the most innovative and effective treatment in the sphere of the hair structure restoration with the smoothing effect. The composition restores and strengthens hair by increasing its strength and elasticity. It also intensively affects the structure of the hair, saturating it with keratin and covering it with a protective layer of protein. An additional protective layer eliminates static electricity and smoothes hair cuticles. Cacau Oil contains essential fatty acids with nourishing, moisturizing and antioxidant properties.

The straightening effect lasts for 3 to 6 months. Do not miss the opportunity to not just revive your hair but also give it amazing smoothness and shine!

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