Be sure, the straightened hair looks quite beautiful in our days when the cosmetology is at its highest point of development. Here are some tips on how to care your hair well.
- Despite your wish, your hair was always left dry, when you’re away, it’s quite important to extend the flat when the dryer is used. Most straightening therapies are termoactive and heat improves their effect.
- Before you connect the dryer, spread out a thermal protector with anti-frizz effect on the wires. In this way, you’ll be able to protect your hair from heat and to form an anti-moisture barrier.
- The heat temperature of the flat iron or the dryer (if necessary) should not be higher than 180 degrees, in order not to dry out or to burn the wires.
- The use of suitable brush makes all the difference. The type racket can untangle the wires without breaking, just right after washing. The size of a brush makes possible to distribute the essential oils along all of the wires. Also, the natural bristle helps your hair to be smooth and bright.
- The smoothing therapy starts beading the bud. If you heal the dryness of your hair well and it will seem as new leaf
- When you finish with drying, spread a cold air blast, from upside to downside, to close the cuticles and to prevent frizz.