What to pay attention to return customers?

In order to understand how to return your customers, you first need to find out why they stop visiting your salon and take the appropriate measures then.


Among the most common reasons for losing the clients are:


  • Impolite behavior of the administrator in a telephone conversation with a client;
  • Low level of services provided;
  • Low-quality recommendations on the selection of services or care products;
  • One of the stylists started working in another beauty salon;
  • Opening of a competitor's beauty salon;
  • Ignoring or lacking customer feedback.


How to return customers? We have several useful tips:


  - If the client did not like the work of the stylist, offer him services of another stylist at a discount. If the wrong care products or services were recommended by a stylist, offer a free beauty consultation and a gift. This will make customer returns much more effective, as the customers always feel when the salon personnel really care about them.


  - The best option is if the stylist can personally call each client that left your salon dissatisfied. In this case, it is important that this person has a good skill of telephone communication, he can speak politely and explicitly, dealing with both his and customer’s emotions. For example, with such a phone call, a stylist can more accurately determine the reason for the client’s leaving and better understand how to return him.


  - In addition to the above-mentioned methods, you can use a more advanced one which is remarketing. This is such an advertisement (on social networks and other websites) that “pursues” only those people who have already visited your website or whose contacts you have in a separate client list. Nowadays this type of advertising is considered one of the most effective.


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